Curbside Pickup FAQs
At this time, South Fayette Township Library is offering Curbside Pick-up by appointment only. Please call the library if you are interested in doing a curbside pickup appointment: 412-257-8660.
The curbside pickup location will be in the designated parking spaces in front of the library entrance.
All staff working the service will receive training and the personal protective equipment necessary to keep themselves, other staff and the public safe. All employees will wear face coverings according to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Office of Commonwealth Libraries’ recommendation, and the library asks that all patrons observe social distancing best practices.
Hours for Curbside Pick-up are as follows:
Monday-Thursdays: 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Fridays: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm.
You may pick-up 10 items at one time. Please call 412-257-8660 to make an appointment. If you don’t have any items held, you may request up to 10 items for pickup.
You may call the library at 412-257-8660. Staff will ask you multiple questions in order to verify your identity and will ask for a description of the car picking up the items.
Please be aware that the library is operating with a reduced staff to comply with social distancing and will do their best to schedule your pick-up appointment in a timely manner.
Yes, you may check out 10 items per card and pick them up with one appointment time.
When you arrive, park in one of the designated curbside pick-up parking spaces and call the number on the sign to let a staff member know that you have arrived. Please provide staff with your name, spot # (listed on the sign) and a description of the car that you are in. Please remain in your vehicle with the windows closed.
Staff will place your items on a chair located on the sidewalk in front of the designated parking space. Please wait until the staff member has re-entered the building before exiting your vehicle and retrieving your items.
If you have mobility issues, please let the staff know this and we will arrange accommodations.
You can make a pick-up appointment by calling the library at 412-257-8660. Staff will ask you multiple questions in order to verify your identification and will ask for a description of the car picking up the items. Please call the staff when you are ready to leave your home, giving an estimated time of arrival and description of the vehicle you will be in.
When you arrive, park in one of the designated curbside pick-up parking spaces and remain in your vehicle with the windows closed. When a staff member arrives at the vehicle, they will hold up a sheet with your last name on it from a distance. If that is your name, please nod to verify through the closed window. Staff will place your items on a chair located on the sidewalk in front of the designated parking space. Please wait until the staff member has re-entered the building before exiting your vehicle and retrieving your items.
If you have mobility issues, please let the staff know this and we will arrange accommodations.
Please place items in the book return. Do not attempt to hand them to a staff member during a curbside pick-up appointment. Please wait until staff members have re-entered the building before exiting your vehicle. Any items returned will be quarantined for a minimum of 96 hours and then checked in. For this period in time, hotspots may be placed in the book return. Book donations will not be accepted at this time. Please do not attempt to donate items using the book return.
At this time, please do not return the following in the book drop. Please wait for a return day or place in oversized bins in designated areas:
· Board games
· Puppets
· American Girl Dolls
To keep our staff and patrons safe, we immediately move items from the book return to quarantine. Items will remain in quarantine a minimum of 4 days. Items will be checked in by staff as time allows after the 4-day quarantine. If an item remains on your card for more than a week after you have returned it, please call: 412-257-8660.
The library will not be charging overdue fines on items at this time until the library is able to offer full safety and wellness measures for both patrons and staff.
Available Materials
Books, audiobooks, DVDs, Blu-rays, hotspots
Unavailable Materials
Board games, American Girl Dolls, puppets
Request materials by using the online catalog or by calling 412-257-8660.
You will receive an email or phone notification based on the preference you have selected in your account. When you receive the message, you may call to schedule a pick-up appointment.
Yes, staff members can pull a few items in the genre that you’re interested in. Call the library at 412-257-8660 and ask a staff member to pull a few items from your favorite genre for your pick-up appointment. Staff will deliver them to you already checked out on your card. You will not be able to review them first.
The items you requested have been sitting on the shelf for weeks and have not been touched during that time. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that the virus can live on cardboard and paper for 24 hours. It can live on plastic for 2-3 days. The amount of time these items have sat is more than sufficient to kill the virus. When our staff retrieved these items for pick-up, they followed best practices for sanitation. When items are returned, they are quarantined for 96 hours in compliance with the CDC’s recommendations. Only items that have been quarantined for 96 hours will be eligible for holds.
Please do not clean library materials as it will likely result in damage. If you are concerned, you may choose to let your materials sit in a safe, cool, dry location for up to three days before accessing them.
We’re happy to help! Please call us at 412-257-8660 during our Curbside Pickup hours or leave a message. We will do our best to answer your questions as quickly and efficiently as we can.
Apply for a library card or call the library at 412-257-8660.