Between the Pages Book Club
First Tuesdays @ 11:00am
View upcoming dates on our Event Calendar.
No matter what type of book you enjoy reading, you’ll love talking about our monthly selections with fellow book lovers. Upcoming titles are typically selected 6 at a time with input from attendees.
A list of past and current selections for the Between the Pages Book Club can be found here.
Facilitated by Adult Programming Coordinator Sarah Grebinoski.
All are welcome, no registration required.
Murder, Mystery, & Mayhem Book Club
Second Mondays @ 10:30am
View upcoming dates on our Event Calendar.
Come join us to talk about all sorts of mysteries from cozies to procedural and maybe the occasional thriller!
A list of past and current selections for the Murder, Mystery, and Mayhem Book Club can be found here.
Facilitated by staff member Sharon Koehler.
All are welcome, registration appreciated.
Evening Book Group
Third Mondays @ 7:00pm
View upcoming dates on our Event Calendar.
Join us as we read and discuss an eclectic mix of both fiction and nonfiction! Upcoming titles are typically selected 6 at a time with input from attendees.
A list of past and current selections for the Evening Book Group can be found here.
Facilitated by Adult Programming Coordinator Sarah Grebinoski.
All are welcome, no registration required.
Cookbook Club
Fourth Mondays @ 7:00pm
View upcoming dates on our Event Calendar.
All are welcome to join us – from those new-to-cooking to foodies and everyone in-between. We plan to have fun sharing both food and community, discussing our recipes and anything we learned along the way.
Here’s how it works:
- Each month we will pick a featured cookbook to explore
- Copies of the cookbook will be available at the library
- Select and sign up for a recipe of your choosing
- Make your recipe to bring and share with the group
NOTE: Please bring serving spoons. The library will provide plates, utensils, and water.
Facilitated by Adult Programming Coordinator Sarah Grebinoski.