Friends of the Library Spotlight: Georgette Swisher

Georgette recently stepped down as President of the Friends of the South Fayette Township Library, after serving on the Board for over a decade. Her leadership will be missed, but not forgotten. We are grateful for her many years of service! 

How long have you served on the Friends of the SF library Board?

I started on the Board as secretary when I retired in 2009 and later became President. I taught at South Fayette Elementary School for 40 years, and when I retired, the board was a way for me to continue involvement in the community. 

What do you enjoy most about the SF library?

I have enjoyed the programs for the children the most. I have taken my children and now my grandchildren. My grandchildren enjoyed the Kindergarten space program, as well as the kitchen- which was donated by the Friends.

What is one contribution the Friends of the SF Library have made during your service years?

Years ago, no one knew where the library was. So I made a suggestion to have signs put up. There have since been multiple signs placed and now the library is more visible!

What are your future wishes for the Friends of the SF Library?

When I first joined, our goal was to raise money for the proposed new library at the Star City lot. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out. My hope for the future is a bigger library, or an addition to make it the best the library it could be!

The Friends of the South Fayette Township Library are a group of volunteers who support the library through volunteering and fundraising. Anyone can be a member of the Friends for as little as $10/year.  Annual membership campaign kicks off in early 2021. For more information and to get involved, go to