2020 Census Video Competition

Open to families with K-12 students

Submit a video for your chance to win $500, $250 or $100!

Create a video about why the 2020 Census is important. Get your family involved! Show us your creativity!

Allegheny County-City of Pittsburgh Complete Count Committee has partnered with the Allegheny Intermediate Unit, Pittsburgh Public Schools, Allegheny Partners for Out-of-School Time (APOST) and the Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC) to host an online video competition! Families with K-12 students are encouraged to submit a video for a chance to win prizes.

Deadline to enter – April 30

Voting – May 4-15

Winners announced in a Virtual Awards Ceremony – week of May 18


  • Students featured must be in grades K-12 and reside in Allegheny County
  • Videos can be submitted independently or can also include family members
  • Videos must not exceed 3 minutes · All individuals featured in the video must sign a Student Photo and Video Release Form


  • Videos will be posted HERE
  • The community will be encouraged to vote for their favorite video starting May 4. Details on voting will be on the website.
  • A Virtual Awards Ceremony will be held the week of May 18 to announce our winners

To Enter:

  • Please submit videos and student photo release forms to CensusVideoComp@aiu3.net by April 30th. Videos may be sent as an attachment or as a link that can be downloaded.